button Act like a simple button, but has no pre-determined function
loadinterface(x) Loads an interface. x = name of the interface to load (add dontreposition if you don't want it to reposition the new skin)
_over Used for mouse over on most buttons
_normal Used as a normal image (Use in conjunction with other modifiers)
_down Used when the mouse button is held down on a layer
Slider Objects
progresslr Progress slider, Left to Right
progressrl Progress slider, Right to Left
progresstb Progress slider, Top to Bottom
progressbt Progress slider, Bottom to Top
volumelr Volume slider, Left to Right
volumerl Volume slider, Right to Left
volumetb Volume slider, Top to Bottom
volumebt Volume slider, Bottom to Top
balancelr Balance slider, Left to Right
balancerl Balance slider, Right to Left
balancetb Balance slider, Top to Bottom
balancebt Balance slider, Bottom to Top
sliderbit Place this layer above the scrollbar you want it associated with.
Action Commands
moveable Entire interface can be moved by clicking and dragging this layer
passthrough Ignore mouse events, and don't block them, but allow them to continue to the layer below
Text Objects
time Time display
track Track display
frequency Frequency (kHz) display
bitrate Bitrate (kbps) display
fs(x) Font Size. Valid ranges are between 1 and 999. (default is 12)
fn(x) Font Name. Maximum font name size of 256. (default is MS Shell Dlg)
fb(x) Font Bold. Whether bold or not, true or false (default is false)
fa(x) Font Align. left, right, center
fu(x) Font Underline. Whether Underlined or not, true or false (default is false)
fs(x) Font Strikethrough. Whether Strikethrough or not, true or false (default is false)
fi(x) Font Italic. Whether Italic or not, true or false (default is false)
Special Render Objects
visualisation Visualisation
trans_volumel Modifies the transparency of a layer based on the left speaker volume
trans_volumer Modifies the transparency of a layer based on the right speaker volume
trans_netbuffer Modifies the transparency of a layer based on the filled net buffer (used for internet radio to display QOS)
Object functions
id(x) The id of this object. Used with Layer Operators and other functions that require id's of layers
modify(x) Object id to modify. Specify this when using functions that operate on other layers.
action_anim_play Begins playing an animation. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_anim_stop Stops an animation from playing. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_anim_forward Changes the animation's playing direction to down the list. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_anim_reverse Changes the animation's playing direction to up the list. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_layer_hide Hides the specified layer. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_layer_show Shows the specified layer. Use modify(x) before using this.
action_layer_switch Shows next specified layer, hides others, order is x, then y, then z, then x... Use modify(x,y,z) before using this.
action_app_close Acts like a close button, but can be used within animation frames and other buttons.
Indicator Objects
indi_pause Paused Indicator. Will be visible if player is paused
indi_stop Stopped Indicator. Will be visible if player is stopped
indi_play Playing Indicator. Will be visible if player is playing
indi_random Random Indicator. Will be visible if player is in random mode
indi_repeat Repeat Indicator. Will be visible if player is in repeat mode
indi_stereo Stereo Indicator. Will be visible if current song is in stereo mode
indi_mono Mono Indicator. Will be visible if current song is in mono mode
indi_active Active window Indicator. Will be visible when the interface is the active window
indi_inactive InActive window Indicator. Will be visible when the interface is not the active window
indi_mute Mute Indicator. Will be visible if player is muted
Animation Sets
animation Give this name to a layer set to have it act as an animation
fadebetween Will fade smoothly between frames of an animation set. If specified on a single frame, will just do it for when that frame is shown/hidden
fadein Will fade all frames in if on an animation set. If specified on a single frame, will just do it for when that frame is shown
fadeout Will fade all frames out if on an animation set. If specified on a single frame, will just do it for when that frame is hidden
paused Will be paused at the start until another event, such as a click, triggers it.
delay(x) Delay between each frame(1 = 10ms). If this is specified on the group main item, it specifies time for each frame. If you specify on a frame its per frame
direction(x) Direction to play animation. only 2 values, 0 = normal or down the list, and 1 = reverse, or up the list.
animtype(x) Type of animation:
0 or not specified = standard loop
1 = play once, and stop, leave last frame on screen